Ali's Site
SPAN 3250
SPAN 2001
MSED 2000
All About Me

Sounder by William H. Armstrong


Chapter 1:

Sounder is a coon dog/loves hunting

Father didn’t buy Sounder, met him on the road when he was a pup

School was far away, started going, but quit when winter came (only attempted 2 times)

Sounder ½ hound, ½ bulldog

Had a really loud strong bark

They don’t have a lot of food, not good hunting

At night mom sat shelling walnuts (2 pounds) and telling stories from the Bible

She hums when she is upset/worried

Father leaves without Sounder

Next morning, there is sausage, biscuits, and hambone

Boy wants to learn to read

Chapter 2:

3 white men show up at night (sheriff and deputies)

Father is arrested for stealing food

Sounder is shot when trying to jump into the wagon with his master (tore off side of head and shot out shoulder)

The boy puts Sounder’s ear under his pillow to wish Sounder wasn’t dead

Chapter 3:

Mother left with meal sack (to return stolen food) and walnuts (to trade for food)

Riddle: If you’re inside you look out, and if you’re outside you look in, what looks both ways? A window

Couldn’t find Sounder’s body under the cabin

Chapter 4:

Mom returns/ decides Sounder just had a flesh wound and has gone to heal

Mom brought a box/ for a cake

Boy looks for Sounder, but can’t find him

Christmas: mom bakes dad a cake/boy takes it to the jail

He doesn’t stop to read the windows because he’s afraid a cop will stop him

Cop crushes the cake into four pieces, looking for a file or hacksaw

Father asked him not to visit again, he’ll send word through the traveling preacher

Chapter 5:

Sounder returns

Missing an ear and eye, front foot/shoulder broken

He always sits and watches the spot where he last saw his master

He no longer barks/ only whines

Father is sentenced to hard labor and sent off (they don’t know where)

Chapter 6:

Boy goes to the fields to work

Decides to go look for father

Visits places, a few knew his Father (but he always misses finding him)

He digs in trash for things to read (newspapers, magazines)

David and Joseph are his favorite of his mom’s stories

Chapter 7:

Years go by

At rock quarry a guard smashes his fingers with a crowbar

Sees a man throwing a book out in the garbage/takes it

Sees a school, a pig knocks over a pipe, kids come out

He goes home with the teacher

Teacher tells the boy about his book, and fixes his fingers, they become friends and boy tells him about himself

Chapter 8:

Teacher wants boy to live with him and go to school in exchange for doing chores

Boy would come home to work in the fields

Sounder would always go meet him, but still doesn’t bark

Would read Bible to his brothers and sisters

“Dog Days” of summer comes from the Dog Star

Sounder is restless

Lone figure comes up the road

Sounder starts barking/ his master has come home

Father is crippled/ one whole side of his body is lifeless

Hurt in avalanche caused from a dynamite blast

Dad and Sounder go hunting

Sounder comes home alone

Father died/ Sounder dies a few weeks later

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