Ali's Site
Discipline Plan
SPAN 3250
SPAN 2001
MSED 2000
All About Me

My Discipline Plan

Discipline Plan

The students will be taught the rules and guidelines of my class. Such rules will include knowing the proper time to talk, and how to receive permission to do so. The students will learn the proper way to interact with each other as well as when to interact with me. They will also be aware of the school’s policies and procedures, and be required to follow them as well. Failure to follow rules and guidelines will result in an immediate consequence. Unless the school rules specify differently, on the first offense the student will be given a verbal reprimand. On the second offense the student will be given a formal written reprimand. The next will should result in parental contact. The last will should result in an office referral.

Good behavior will be rewarded. When students adequately master a topic their class will receive a cultural day. On these days they will get to experience the food, music, and culture of another Spanish speaking country. They will also be rewarded with Spanish movie and music days. Individual students will be rewarded with quiz and homework exemptions as well as the opportunity for extra credit assignments.

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